To all God's lovely Children

As most of you know I ANSWERED yet another Call of the lord and went to Kona where I joined the -CIRCUIT RIDERS REVIVALIST SCHOOL- IT all started with a miracle when GOD provided through a fellow believer who believes in what GOD has called me into and blessed me with the full tuition fees to do the School in KONA and GOD continued through out my time there to supply all of my financial needs... TO HIM BE THE GLORY for ever and ever... Through these continual support it just confirmed in my SPIRIT that I am where GOD wanted me to be... HE REWARDS OBEDIENCE... this has become such a PART of my life...  

 1 SAMUEL 15:22
To obey is better than sacrifice

Nothing could have prepared me  in advance for "CIRCUIT RIDERS" Joining 300 like hearted, passionate YOUTH with ONE THING in common to FOLLOW after JESUS 100%

Saying YES to the cost:

    • I say YES to the cost of persecution... 
    • I say YES to the cost of loneliness...
    • I say YES to unconventional approach.. 
    • I say YES to the cost of living every day for the seeking and saving of the LOST...
    • Yes to the cost of losing my reputation, I surrender my reputation and choose obedience over the sin of fear of man.
    • I say YES to the cost of losing the approval of man. I choose fear of God over the fear of man 
    • I say YES to the cost of losing comfort and materialism! 
    • I say YES to the cost of truly being nameless and faceless. 
    • I say YES to the Cost of Honoring the word of the LORD within me! 
    • YES to the cost of never growing weary of the mission... 
    • YES to proclaiming the sound that GOD has put in me!
    • YES to HOLY BOLDNESS and to live a life of HOLY FEAR OF GOD OVER MAN...




I did a inner healing training called "SOZO"- Greek word for -  "INNER HEALING"and was able to do SOZO on a few students while I was in KONA and I baptized a few younger girls from Korea & Japan saying YES to JESUS! Matt 28:19

After the "CIRCUIT RIDER SCHOOL"  I went to visit a friend of mine studying MUSIC at SMU UNIVERSITY in Dallas for a month and again God's plan was greater than mine... I immediately jumped in with CAMPUS MINISTRY and joined Jaco with the Campus Ministry that he is part off called "PULSE" The Student are so hungry for more of the Holy Spirit and I've been blessed to be part of their walk... I had opportunity to do "One on One" Inner healing with students and the Pastor of TRINITY church asked me to train some of the LEADERSHIP in his church so that they will be able to do it!  All the GLORY to GOD so all of US can walk in the fullness of his SON JESUS CHRIST... Rom 8:14  

Dallas TEXAS


I've now moved to Kansas City to join IHOP The International House of Prayer it's a 24/7 Prayer Room that's been WORSHIPING JESUS for 12 YEARS NON STOP they change their WORSHIPPERS every 2 hours THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT!!!   I'm Interceding here for a event called THE CALL  The've called the USA to repent agains RACISM and called the YOUTH to FAST and PRAY for 24 hours in DETROIT... on 11:11:11- I've sensed a urgency in my SPIRIT to go to this event... and feel that GOD has A IMPARTATION that he wants to release onto me there which I will be able to take back to SOUTH AFRICA ( ALL in his will and TIMING)   

Luke 23:46
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit

  • Since I came to Kansas City the Lord has blessed me with a vehicle after I asked him in prayer one morning for a vehicle in Kansas City ... & hours later a lady came up to me and said that the LORD has laid it on her heart for her to give her car to me to use while i'm in KC.
  • The same day a elderly couple offered me accommodation for 5 weeks in their home, and sowing into Missions through this.
  • I've been blessed with food,coffee's, clothing & mobile! I never new God can look after my needs in this way, it's really increased my FAITH knowing that HE is a good father who give great gifts to his children... EVERYTHING IS A GIFT!!!

James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Thank you so much to everyone that has sowed into my life so greatly this year... Together we are part taking in EVERYTHING GOD IS DOING IN THE KINGDOM!!!

My new "HOME"


I need to return to South Africa early Dec. due to my visa entering into USA... A new Journey is unfolding in the midst... and God has really stirred in my heart even a greater LONGING and DESIRE to go and TELL the LOST ...

HE will return when everyone has HEARD about him...
Matt 24:14 
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

I had to ask myself what am I doing to prepare the way for his return?! What this LOOKS like I don't know... in my daily walk i'm constantly asking GOD to be SPIRIT LEAD, spreading the GOSPEL where ever I go and trusting GOD to CALL them into the NATIONS!!! 

  • SENDING them... whether this is declaring the GOspel of JESUS in the work place or going into the NATIONS  We are ALL CALLED to make disciples... and to equip people to walk in the fullness of JESUS CHRIST!!!

 Rom 10:13-15

 “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
  But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?  And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

 After allot of prayer and confirmation i feel called to do my DTS (Discipleship Training School) with YWAM  for (6 months) in obedience to Christ. This ORGANIZATION is WORLD WIDE and it will OPEN MORE DOORS FOR ME INTO THE NATIONS and I will be able to take teams into the "UNREACHED" people Groups as the LORD leads! 

GOD's plan is to call the BRIDE/CHURCH into looking after the Missionaries... And it is my Hearts desire to have You Sow into this what GOD has called us for... 
I need fellow members of the BODY of CHRIST who will co-labor with me... Financially sowing into my life...  TOGETHER we are ploughing and planting SEEDS into the KINGDOM!  

I still need $1760 -(14 000 ZA)- for my DTS in KANSAS CITY "CALL TO ALL"  that is starting -JANUARY 2012 -  We will be living at -STONE CROFT-and i'm in great need of more Monthly partners/supporters that will sow into "MY LIFE as a MISSIONARY" to keep me on the field and do what GOD has CALLED me to do.  MAY JESUS be HIGH and LIFTED UP!

I want to thank each and everyone that's already part of this JOURNEY i'm on... through prayer, encouragement, friendship & finances... TOGETHER we are co-laboring with GOD and his HEART  in for filling the GREAT COMMISSION-on his HEARTBEAT :)  




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