Over the last 3 months in America I've been pondering on so many things true to my own heart that I thought I'd share some of this TRANSPARENCY with you...As a 30 something "LADY in WAITING" i was overwhelmed by the great desire of 20 Something ladies with the same need to be wed... I was blessed to share my heart and dreams with many of you at CIRCUIT RIDERS and I could see the DESIRE was so deep... 

I feel I've hit the mark when I came across GENESIS 3:16- A CURSE WAS SPOKEN OVER EVE Your (desire) will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
Getting to the conclusion that it is nothing out of the ordinary for woman to desire after a man... Which does not mean if you have a desire in your heart that GOD will GRAND you that desire... We've all got that desire (OK, maybe some don't ) but I rarely come across a woman who's never thought of marriage or being a mother! 


-I've continued to ask GOD to change (ME)... shape me... guide me... form me... into your likeness-
"Proverbs 31"

Proverbs 12:4 A wife of noble character is her husband's crown!!!

Ladies... all you beautiful, intelligent and courageous woman of the most HIGH: "GOD IS MORE CONCERNED about your FUTURE HUSBAND than you could EVER BE"!!!  We are entering into a NEW SEASON where I feel (guided by the Holy Spirit) that GOD is eagerly waiting to MANIFEST his PERFECT LOVE on the earth between his BRIDE and BRIDEGROOM... but this is NOT just a marriage... this is a KINGDOM MARRIAGE, one that will WALK out the PERFECT LOVE and UNITY between MALE and FEMALE on this earth- REFLECTING the CHARACTER of GOD and his SON and WITNESS "TRUE & PURE LOVE" for the WORLD to see the LOVE the FATHER has for HIS BRIDE (the church/us) as for we are the TEMPLE of GOD and JESUS CHRIST being the CORNERSTONE Eph 2:20.

So what will it take and look like for us to be in PERFECT WILL of GOD'S PLAN for our RELATIONSHIPS and MARRIAGES...?  

1 Corinthians 11:3 Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

So if the HEAD of every man is CHRIST - WOW what a beautiful Marriage all of us will have- is the HEAD of CHRIST on every man - NO- do woman give men the CROWN of the KING- NO  this alone should have all of us- those who are already in marriage as well as those waiting to be married -"THINK"
To all my friends who I know is So so so ready to be a beautiful wife & mother... There is a very "SPECIAL" hidden truth in being a LADY in WAITING- GOD'S TIMING is ALWAYS PERFECT and even though it took me many years to find truth and peace in these words I KNOW NOW IT IS TRUE!!! 
Micah 7:7

JESUS CHRIST is our PERFECT BRIDEGROOM ( and very jealous of giving you away and sharing your heart that you've been pouring out to him to -just another man-)  LET HIM BE YOUR LOVER, FRIEND, HUSBAND.....and UNTIL he finds your PERFECT MATCH ( a MAN SO CLOSE TO HIS HEART who will GLORIFY HIM DAY AND NIGHT and make CHRIST his HEAD  I would suggest you say: "I WILL WAIT FOR HIM" 

When he SPEAKS you will be reminded of Solomon's WISDOM
His Ability to LEAD will remind you of MOSES
His FAITH will remind you of ABRAHAM
His CONFIDENCE in GOD'S word will remind you of DANIEL
His INSPIRATION will remind you of PAUL
His HEART for GOD will remind you of DAVID
His ATTENTION for detail will remind you of NOAH
His INTEGRITY will remind you of JOSEPH
and His ability to abandon His own- will remind you of the disciples
but His ability to LOVE (unselfishly & Unconditionally) will remind you of CHRIST

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.

A TRUE MAN OF GOD  are looking for a HEART of CHRIST in a WOMAN and should be marrying the HEART of CHRIST inside of YOU! 

I have SURRENDERED to him and HIS WILL  and PLAN- and I know GOD needs us to become KINGDOM FOCUSED with KINGDOM MARRIAGES because what we CARRY is WHAT HE WAN T's TO BE WALKED OUT on EARTH in UNITY and LOVE for EVERYONE to SEE! Bringing GOD'S ANOINTING where ever we go! 

Matt 18:20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

I AM NOT the COMPLETE IMAGE of GOD until my HUSBAND is next to me- TOGETHER as a TEAM we will LOOK, SMELL, LIVE OUT his IMAGE & KINGDOM!  WOMAN you are made to be adored- You carry the EXCELLENCY of CHRIST inside of YOU...;) 

Proverbs 18:22 The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD.


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