What a Roller coaster 6 months this has been... God spoke a word over me in January about "FAST TRACKING" his children... boy o boy I would never have realised without his GRACE how capable I am of this speed...  amongs all the busyness KEEPING UP WITH HIS SPIRIT!!!

I'm soooo delighted and excited to share with you that He has called me to "KONA" a island in Hawaii to join a school called The Circuit Riders - -  Never in my wildest dreams and exspectations I would have been able to fully prepare myself for what has already just happened in 2 day's... I was blessed by Baptizing a very good friend of mine literaly hours before I got on the plane in Cape Town and today our room here one Campus got filled so much with the presense and Glory of the LORD... I baptised one of my room mate's from JAPAN.... All I can say is WOW- WOW- WOW- JESUS you are so much MORE than I could ever have imagined or dreamed off!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :)

So with all this AWESOMENESS going on...I would like to share with you the TIME we are living in... This is the SEASON that GOD is calling HIS SON'S to stand up, take up their cross and walk into the CALLING and ANOINTING that HE HAS CALLED you for and PLANNED for you before the foundations of the earth...AND I don't want ANY one of YOU to miss it!!!

God is raising up a GENERATION ALL OVER THE WORLD... BOLDLY PROCLAIMING THE GOOD NEWS and Walking and LIVING OUT the KINGDOM!!! Having the CHARACTER of JESUS CHRIST Luke 17:21 for the Kingdom of God is within us... A generation CHRIST-CENTERED - CHRIST-FOCUSED- RADICAL OBEDIENT Living a life of HOLINESS & JOY Speaking LIFE where ever we go! Soon all over the world Wild Revivalist will be going into the world bringing GLORY and the presence of JESUS... GET READY to be hit by a FLAME that will burn out all sin, destroying the little foxes bringing us to our knees in Repentance- GOD IS DOING SOMETHING BIG.... life on earth is not going to be the same again. If we as his Children continue to live our live's for ourselves we will miss out the GREATEST MOVE OF GOD IN THE HISTORY

My prayer is to encourage you all to say YES to the "WHISPER" in your SPIRIT as you are reading this... YES to JESUS, YES for MORE of HIM, YES for laying down your life in OBEDIENCE to CHRIST, YES to be FILLED WITH THE FULLNESS of HIS HOLY SPIRIT :) God has blessed you with EVERY spiritual blessing in CHRIST -Eph 1:3-CHRIST in us the HOPE of GLORY!- Col 1:27-

Jeremiah 29:11,12,13

FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU SAY'S THE LORD... PLANS TO PROSPER YOU AND NOT TO HARM YOU, PLANS TO GIVE YOU HOPE AND A FUTURE...Then you will CALL on me and come and PRAY to me, and I will LISTEN to you. 13. You will SEEK me and find me when you SEEK me with all your heart.

May we all continue to SEEK HIM WITH ALL OUR HEARTS
Lots of Love & Blessings


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