
Showing posts from July, 2011


God se Hartklop ANJA MAREE-NUUSBRIEF – JUNIE/JULIE 2011 Aan al God se wonderlike kinders... My enigste begeerte is om God se hartklop met die wêreld te deel... ” Maar al is my lewe vir my kosbaar, reken ek dit van geen belang nie as ek maar net my lewenstaak kan voltooi en die dienswerk wat ek van die Here gekry het, kan klaarmaak: dit is om die evangelie van God se genade te verkondig.” Hand 20 : 24 Ek glo dat ek nie die enigste een is wat voel asof my voete nie grondvat nie! Junie 2011 – Sjoe! God is besig om my teen ‘n spoed vir iets voor te berei in die vlees wat ek weet later ewigheidswaarde in die Gees gaan hê. Na my vorige nuusbrief kan ek met ongelooflike dankbaarheid sê dat ek bevoorreg was om na Iris Ministry in Pemba te gaan. IRIS MINISTRY – PEMBA-MOSAMBIEK Dit is ’n kinderhuis in die noorde van Mosambiek wat Heidi en Roland Baker op die been gebring het. Ek kon nie vir ’n beter Paastyd vra nie en die Here het my wildste drome en begeertes vervul in my tydjie daa...


BEING A FORERUNNER BURNING with the LOVE OF GOD and TOTALLY ABANDONED to HIS purposes... 1. JESUS create in me a  FRESH DESPERATIO N to be awakened to  TOTAL ABANDONMENT to you!!! 2. JESUS create in me a new  PASSION  to walk out courageous  OBEDIENCE !!! 3. Jesus I ask for the SPIRIT OF  BURNING  to  AWAKEN  me!!! 4. Jesus I ask that you  BEND  me and  BREAK  every R ESISTANC E in my LIFE 5. JESUS I ask for the  FEAR OF GOD  to become so loud in me that the voice of fear of man would NO LONGER INTIMIDATE ME!!! I ask for a C OURAGEOUS HEART OF CHRIS T and the  DESTRUCTION  of  FEAR & PASSIVIT Y!!! I am now Approuching GOD in my  KINGDOM IDENTITY as his ROYAL PRINCESS/KING being a empty vessel for his LOVE to flow through me... Die belangrikste is om die SPIRIT of UNBELIEVE in ons lewens af te sny en dan is dit FAITH first and Feelings Second!!! I say YES to the cost of...


What a Roller coaster 6 months this has been... God spoke a word over me in January about "FAST TRACKING" his children... boy o boy I would never have realised without his GRACE how capable I am of this speed...  amongs all the busyness KEEPING UP WITH HIS SPIRIT!!! I'm soooo delighted and excited to share with you that He has called me to "KONA" a island in Hawaii to join a school called The Circuit Riders - -  Never in my wildest dreams and exspectations I would have been able to fully prepare myself for what has already just happened in 2 day's... I was blessed by Baptizing a very good friend of mine literaly hours before I got on the plane in Cape Town and today our room here one Campus got filled so much with the presense and Glory of the LORD... I baptised one of my room mate's from JAPAN.... All I can say is WOW- WOW- WOW- JESUS you are so much MORE than I could ever have imagined or dreamed off!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :) S...