
Showing posts from December, 2011

L O V E - J O Y - P E A C E

This season is all about JESUS -Reflecting with JOY all that God has done "2011" in my life- As you all know i entered the USA at the end of June this year, planning to spend   7 weeks ...  quickly I once again realized that my plans is not God's plans! Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps I continued to lay down my desires and surrendered my life to the ONE that matters MOST to me  "HOLY SPIRIT" and daily abiding in   GLORIFYING JESUS in everything i do. It's been a AMAZING- JOYESS- PEACEFUL journey with the KING- I had word when i left South Africa that my KING is waiting for me in America and with JOY i have ravished his heart! <3 I have climbed deeper into his HEART and he's made his home in mine - where HE BELONGS!!! 8 weeks YWAM KONA- Hawaii "CIRCUIT RIDER SCHOOL" 4 weeks DALLAS Texas SMU University-Campus ministry 6 weeks IHOP- Kansas City Intern