"PEMBA" Mozambique
HEIDI BAKER - IRIS MINISTRIES - PEMBA - MOZAMBIQUE Harvest School is a school for all those who have a clear call to missions. All gifting are welcome and it is most definitely not just open for pastors or leaders. It is a school to train and equip a new breed of missionaries, a generation of laid-down lovers who will run into the darkest corners of the earth, call in the outcasts, bring in His Bride and compel the poor to come to the wedding feast. The school is an intensive missionary training school. It is a very beautiful yet stretching time, like spiritual boot camp. Our days, nights, and weekends are very full with classes, projects, outreaches, home groups, reading, assignments and papers, etc. It is a time for dying to self, personal comfort and preferences so that you might truly live to carry His glory to the ends of the earth. "You can see Jesus in the eyes of the dying, the broken and the lost. He came with ceaseless love for both the one and the masses. Now we...