As I was spending time with the Lord, I asked Him the question: "What more is it that you want off me?" Feeling like Job and that he LEFT ME, The response I heard was... Anja, I desire your HEART, ALL of your HEART, every part of your HEART, even the pieces that are still broken, all the places that have been wounded & rejected all the pieces that you think you are not good enough, all the pieces where you run to "WORLDLY PLEASURES" to FILL the VOID inside yourself I DESIRE ALL OF IT, I DESIRE ALL OF YOU, will you give me your HEART? because if you do so I WILL GIVE YOU MINE... 4 years ago in 2009 i gave up what I "thought" was EVERYTHING to follow Jesus... my job, my car, my apartment, my family in South Africa, my friends, my time, my energy, my desires, my future, my plans, my dreams... Since then i've gained the privilege to see CREATION - Malawi, Mozambique, Russia, Japan, South Korea, China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Syria, ...
Showing posts from October, 2013